Monday, February 28, 2011

Shamrock Decoration

Well I finally finished this project. It has taken me a while, but it is now done.
So to make this I got the idea from this blog here This one was for a valentine wreath but I thought the little rosettes could look like any flower, so I made them green for St Patrick's Day.
On the other blog there are some directions that might be easier to follow, but I did it a little different from her so here is what I did.
First I found the supplies I needed. An empty cereal box, some tissue paper, glue, and scissors.
Then I traced a shamrock onto the inside of the box.
Then cut it out. and cut your tissue paper into long strips about 1 inch wide. I think I used 5 1/2 sheets. I covered my work space with parchment paper, because I didn't want the table to get glue on it. You will get sticky with this project.
Then place a line of glue onto the tissue paper and smear the glue so it covers the paper. 
Roll one end so that it makes a small ball. 
 This one is kinda hard to see but you roll the paper half way around and then twist the tissue paper so what used to be at the bottom is now at the top. Then continue the twisting and rolling until you reach the end of the tissue paper. Then stick it onto the shamrock.
 Use the next strip of tissue paper and do the same thing. Keep repeating until the shamrock is full. This is what took me forever. Maybe it is in part because I turned on movies to help pass the time.

Once you are finished with all of it add some ribbon to hang it with. Hang it up and enjoy your decoration.

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